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Your customers are in tears? Reasons whyUpdated 13 days ago

Adhesive leaks into the eye
Even if your customers are supposed to keep their eyes closed, it can always happen that during the treatment the eyes were opened a bit and thus products like the glue got into the eyes. Every adhesive, whether for Lashlift or extensions, creates vapors that can irritate the eyes of your customers and cause the eye to water. Here, it also always depends on how sensitive everyone is.

Other ways your clients may be tearing
Any of you use a lamp during your treatment, even that can be a reason for your eyes to start watering. Why? Because then the lamp may shine too brightly. That's why we recommend that you set the lamp a little less bright and direct it so that it doesn't shine frontally into the eye. Another tip, if pictures are taken during the treatment, set the light brighter only for the moment if necessary.

Also, various diseases or injuries can cause watery eyes. You can find more about diseases of the eye in our blog article.

Other reasons could also be that your customer is simply tired, tense or excited. Therefore, make sure that the atmosphere in your studio is relaxed. Quiet music and a warm blanket provide a relaxed atmosphere.

What can I do about very watery eyes?
If your customer has gotten glue or a product in general in her eye and is watering badly as a result, you should carefully wipe away the tears with a cotton swab and remove the product from the eye with a moist swab. If the eyes continue to water and do not want to stop, then leave the eye alone for about 5-10 minutes. Just continue working on the other eye until the watery eye has calmed down.

If the client starts watering during the treatment, the best thing is not to act on it at all. She may not notice it herself and it will stop the next moment. However, if you have made your client aware of it, more tears may come automatically and unconsciously because she is trying hard not to tear up.

However, if your client already has problems with heavily watering eyes before the treatment, it may be an indicator that the client has too dry eyes in general. In this case, you should send her to the doctor.

Another tip in general against watery eyes is to use a fan to soothe and cool the eyes when they are closed. If all the tips do not work, you can gently press with your fingers on the inner eye on the tear glands, hold for a few seconds and then so stop the tears.

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